Sunday, January 29, 2012

Friday, January 27th Class

Last Friday in class we discussed Postel's article " Water Adapting to a New Normal", and elaborated on the resolutions she proposed. I personally enjoyed reading her piece. She provided reliable statistics and many current situations applying to us today. I especially liked how rather than scolding us and presenting the issues we have with water usage, she made us aware of the problems we have created, and in turn provided solutions. I also liked her suggestion of taking after those in Oregon, Portland who have adapted a method of turning sealed surfaces, (roofs, streets, and parking lots), into water catchments by strategically planting vegetation. I've never heard of a tactic such as this, and it seems like a great technique that would have positive outcomes.

We were also assigned to read one student's post to his/her blog in response to the article by Jonathan Waterman on the Patagonia site. I read Justin's blog, where he posted a video about the Colorado River and how it is beginning to dry up due to our lack of conserving our water consumption. One thing that really stood out to me from the video he chose was that Jim Creek is on the verge of losing all its fish, which in turn will be detrimental to their tourism/fishing industry. The video, as well as Postel's article, opened my eyes about just how serious the conditions are.

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