Monday, January 16, 2012

Environmental Issue: Habitat Loss

Environmental issues are on the rise and are a more of a problem today than ever before. Climate change, ozone and resource depletion, and overpopulation are just a few among many problems. Habitat loss is the number one reason for the extinction of animals, and humans are solely to blame. Depletion of animals' natural surroundings result from human practices such as agriculture, oil and gas exploration, commercial development, or water diversion. The three major types of habitat loss include habitat destruction, which is the direct destruction of habitat (i.e. bulldozing a forest, home to animals who inhabit the soil, trees, surrounding rivers/streams, etc.). Another kind of habitat loss is habitat fragmentation, in which wildlife on land is divided into sections by roads and development, or marine life is fragmented by dams or other water diversions; this is limiting many species’ resources, making it difficult to access food and potential mates. The last type of habitat loss involves damaging habitats to the extent that they can no longer sustain proper living conditions for native wildlife – this is known as habitat degradation. Because we are the problem, we must revolutionize and in turn, be the solution. Efforts can be as simple as developing a Certified Wildlife Habitat, which can be created near your home, school, or business in no time. By supplying food, water, and shelter, you can seed native plants and raise young that is essential to wildlife.


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